Join our webinars to find out about the outcomes of some of our projects and to hear from this year’s interns:
18th March 10:00 – 12:00 Elm Research Update
- Dr Joan Webber – Beetle behaviour and the performance of Dutch elm disease resistant elms
- Prof. Richard Buggs – Genomics of UK elm
- Intern talks:
- Seeking genes involved in DED-resistance using the family from a cross pollination (Cas Gudgeon)
- Mapping of UK Elm (Catherine Walter)
- Land manager perceptions of elm loss and restoration (Jack Travers)
- Panel discussion with Dr Webber and Prof. Buggs – audience questions welcome!
20th March 10:00 – 12:00 Pest and Pathogen Susceptibility
- Dr Nathan Brown – Predisposition of trees to pests and diseases
- Jiaqi Wei – Assessing the potential impact of a bacterial pathogen Xylella fastidiosa on British trees
- Intern talks:
- Comparing methods in detecting Xylella fastidiosa (Katy Cheung)
- Exploring the genome of an ash tree that is less susceptible to ash dieback (Apoorva Perepogu)
- A UK-wide survey of plant parasitic nematodes (Josh Sains)
24th March 10:00 – 12:00 Planting, Colonisation, Adaptation (Birch and Oak)
- Dr Domen Finzgar, Dr Rômulo Carleial and Phoebe Swift – How does British silver birch grow in different environments – genetic and environmental effects.
- Dr Guillermo Friis and Nikki Cotterill – Genetic consequences and tree health assessments, comparing tree planting versus natural colonisation: Implications for restoration programmes
27th March 10:00 – 12:00 Genetic Research for Economically Resilient Forestry
- Dr Jaz Stoddart – Predicting Risks to Non-Native Species from Potential Threats in the UK
- Dr Rubén Manso and Thomas Baer – Using available genetic resources to build economic resilience: the case of Sitka spruce
- Dr Annika Perry – Developing a simple and cheap method of predicting host susceptibility to Dothistroma needle blight in the field