Associate Partnerships

The Centre for Forest Protection is looking for Associate Partners to lead and co-fund projects with our core research partners.

A young woman in a lab inoculating a plant using a pipette

Associate Partnerships


In addition to the existing options for collaboration on projects led by Forest Research and RBG, Kew, the CFP is  inviting research organisations outside of the CFP core partnership to lead and co-fund CFP projects in collaboration with one or both CFP core research partners. Successful lead research organisations would become associate partners of the CFP for the duration of the project.

It is anticipated that associate partnerships will increase the capacity of the Centre for Forest Protection to engage in collaborative and interdisciplinary working, bring access to additional funding and leverage the skills, resources and research leadership of both the associate partner organisations and the core partners.

In addition to the criteria laid out in the research project call, proposals from external organisations who wish to become associate partners will have to meet several additional criteria:

  • The research proposal must involve a clear partnership with one of the CFP core research partners (Forest Research and/or Kew).
  • The Associate Partner must fully fund their own research activities for the proposed project, and any of their sub-contractors that are not core research partners of the CFP (sub-contractors of CFP core research partners will be funded by Defra unless there are other funders supporting their involvement).
  • The Associate Partner’s funding should deliver a significant proportion of the total project cost.
  • The proposal should provide the potential to advance knowledge and scientific excellence to further the CFP’s vision and strategy.
  • The Associate Partner should bring strong research expertise, capabilities or experience relevant to forest protection, which complement those of the CFP core research partners.

For the duration of successful Associate Partner projects (up to three years), the CFP would offer:

  •  Leverage of Defra funding for the CFP core research partner (Kew/FR) participation on the project.
  • Access to research expertise and facilities from core research partners, subject to agreement.
  • Participation in the CFP Working Group.
  • Participation in annual CFP research meeting.
  • Dedicated page on the CFP website for associate partners.
  • Opportunities to partner on non-research activities such as joint outreach and education events and stakeholder events.

For more information about our current call for project proposals, please contact the CFP coordinator on

Scientist in a mobile lab carrying out a swab analysis
group of people outside
Three people on a hillside above a lake planting trees


Our science programme will support the UK governments' forest and tree strategies and the successful delivery of tree planting programmes. Research outcomes will also directly contribute to the improved resilience of the UK’s forests, woodlands and trees and help promote enhanced capacity and capability in forest and tree health research.

Knowledge Hub

A key priority for the Centre is knowledge exchange and ensuring that research outputs are shaped by stakeholder engagement to increase their relevance and impact. Part of this will be working with stakeholders to create a knowledge hub to promote the sharing of evidence, expertise and best practice that can help promote the resilience of forests and woodlands.

Alice Holt

Our Partners